
Tykoon, a Free Virtual Money Management System

Toy Review

November 16, 2012
The Tykoon Virtual System is a Free product for parents and kids to keep track of chores and allowance.  The system can also help kids set goals and families to set kids goals and learn about charitable donations.

There is also an iPhone App in which kids can snap a picture of what they want and add it to their wish list which will be great for family members looking for gift ideas.

I set up an account for both of my children, there are email reminders that arrive in your in box according to your settings.  The set up was fairly easy to do, just follow the steps on the screen.

The system is primarily for 7-10 year old's. Sign up for a FREE Account.

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The toys in this edition of Macaroni Kid NW Central Austin were submitted by sponsors for review. All opinions are those of the publisher.